General Feedback
Meaningful feedback from PharmD students is valued by the School’s administration in producing an optimal learning environment and experience. The School embraces an “open door policy” in regards to gathering student thoughts and input. General PharmD program feedback is collected in a variety of ways:
- Contacting the class president and/or Asheville representative
- Contacting the Associate Director, Professional Program in OSA for matters relating to the professional program, both didactic and co-curriculum
- Contacting the Director of Experiential Student and Career Services for immersion or advanced immersion experiences
- Contacting the Associate Director, Asheville for matters relating to the Asheville campus experience
- Monthly student leader meetings with School leadership
- Monthly student leader “dinners with the dean”
- End of course surveys
- Annual end-of-year student survey
Feedback is discussed across various functional units at the School and information is shared and change is installed as appropriate.