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As a student assigned to a clinical agency via contractual agreement or Memorandum of Understanding between the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy and the agency, you are allowed access to the records of clients or research subjects. Information specific to clients or subjects from any source and in any form, including paper records, oral communication, audio recording, electronic display, and research data files is strictly confidential. Access to confidential clients/subjects information is permitted only in a need-to-know basis.

It is the policy of the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy that students of the School shall respect and preserve privacy and confidentiality of clients/subjects information, regardless of the agency to which the student or faculty is assigned. Violations of this policy include, but are not limited to

  • accessing information that is not within the scope of your assignment
  • misusing, disclosing without proper authorization, or altering patient, subject, or personnel information
  • disclosing to another person your sign-on code and password for accessing electronic or computerized records
  • using another person’s sign-on code and password for accessing electronic or computerized records
  • leaving a secured application unattended while signed in.
  • attempting to access a secured application without proper authorization
  • failing to properly secure data

Violation of this policy by students of the UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy as a Contractual Agreement or Memorandum of Understanding, may constitute ground for corrective action up to and including loss of agency privileges, dismissal or termination from the School in accordance with applicable agency, School or University procedures. Violation of this policy by any member of the School’s student body may constitute grounds for termination of the contractual relationship or other terms of affiliation between the School and the agency.

Unauthorized release of confidential information may also result in personal, civil, and/or criminal liability and legal penalties.