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The School has many resources to help you make the most of the opportunities for personal and professional growth. The co-curriculum are activities, programs, and learning experiences that complement what students are learning in the formal curriculum. As such, co-curricular activities are typically defined by their separation from academic courses.

The Accreditation Council for Pharmaceutical Education (ACPE) recognizes that what students do and learn outside the formal curriculum can be essential in developing the skills, experience, and knowledge to make you a team-ready and practice-ready pharmacist. ACPE outlines 10 key constructs in Standards 3 and 4 that are required to be addressed within the curriculum or co-curriculum.

  1. Problem solving: The student pharmacist is able to identify problems; explore and prioritize potential strategies; and design, implement, and evaluate a viable solution.
  2. Education: The student pharmacist is able to educate all audiences by determining the most effective and enduring ways to impart information and assess.
  3. Patient advocacy: The student pharmacist is able to represent the patient’s best interests.
  4. Interprofessional collaboration: The student pharmacist is able to actively participate and engage as a healthcare team member by demonstrating mutual respect, understanding, and values to meet patient care needs.
  5. Cultural sensitivity: The student pharmacist is able to recognize social determinants of health to diminish disparities and inequities in access to quality care.
  6. Communication: The student pharmacist is able to effectively communicate verbally and nonverbally when interacting with individuals, groups, and organizations.
  7. Self-awareness: The student pharmacist is able to examine and reflect on personal knowledge, skills, abilities, beliefs, biases, motivation, and emotions that could enhance or limit personal and professional growth.
  8. Leadership: The student pharmacist is able to demonstrate responsibility for creating and achieving shared goals, regardless of position.
  9. Innovation and entrepreneurship: The student pharmacist is able to engage in innovative activities by using creative thinking to envision better ways of accomplishing professional goals.
  10. Professionalism: The student pharmacist is able to exhibit behaviors and values that are consistent with the trust given to the profession by patients, other healthcare providers, and society

Through the School’s advising program, faculty will meet with students to help make meaning of a student’s co-curricular experiences as it relates to the ACPE constructs as well as address how you live the values of the School (i.e., WE CARE).