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Students are expected to attend class on the campus (Asheville or Chapel Hill) to which they have been offered enrollment. Students are not permitted to attend class at the other campus without written approval by the Office of Student Affairs. 

Due to space limitations and procedural issues on both campuses, students must submit a special request a minimum of one (1) week in advance. Requests to attend class on an alternate campus will be considered for the following reasons: 

  • a planned special pharmacy school event 
  • to arrange a visit 
  • any other special request as it relates to the PharmD program 

Please note: The Asheville Campus does not offer Block 2 courses during PY3 Fall and PY2 Spring semesters.   

To submit a special request for attendance on an alternate campus, please email the appropriate person listed below: 

  • Chapel Hill based students who would like to attend class on the Asheville campus, please send an email to Karen Hughes, 
  • Asheville based students who would like to attend class on the Chapel Hill campus, please send an email to Colleen Wernoski,